After a wonderful summer, autumn now really seems to be making its entrance. Although the garden is still in full bloom and I want to extend the summer a bit by filling the house with bouquets, September also invites you to think about next year. From this month onwards, you can plant spring bulbs. Which bulbs do you choose? And where in the garden are you going to plant them?
Choosing spring bulbs
This is the most fun part of the job, I think. My golden tip is: choose what you like and don't think about it too much. You can always find a place in the garden to put some extra flower bulbs or you can plant them in a pot.
What are spring bulbs?
Spring bulbs are bought at the end of summer and in the fall, when they are dormant. They are the pioneers of spring and bloom early in the spring. Think of snowdrops, blue grape hyacinths, dwarf irises, tulips, crocuses and daffodils.
There are also summer bulbs: these include dahlias, gladioli and lilies, among others.
Which color spring bulbs do you choose?
While yellow and red used to dominate tulip collections, there are now many beautiful colours on the market. You can choose spring bulbs in the same shades or plant a surprising colour here and there. I myself have a soft spot for soft pink to light orange varieties, but the range is very wide. There are tulips in soft lilac or pastel yellow, with pointed petals or very round varieties that almost look like roses.
Add some blue grape hyacinths (did you know that muscari also come in white ?) and some cheerful yellow daffodils and your spring border is complete.
I selected a lot of surprising spring bulbs that you can buy in our webshop .