Master class growing Dahlias

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€31.25 / 2 monthly installments
€62.5 / 2 monthly installments

This is a digital product.

  • You will learn what dahlias are, and exactly how they grow.
  • Angelo tells you all about sowing dahlias. How you sow and what eventually emerges.
  • You will learn how to pre-cultivate tubers in pots or how to plant them directly in the open ground.
  • You get tips on how to plant them in your garden, and how else to give them the best care.
  • Angelo tells what can go wrong and offers solutions to problems.
  • You will learn how to pick: how to get long flower stems and how to make sure your flowers last a long time in a vase.
  • You will learn how to extract your own seeds from your plants at the end of the summer.
  • Angelo shows step-by-step how to harvest dahlias in autumn and how to store them frost-free to get them through the winter.
  • You will learn how to split tubers thanks to step-by-step videos.
Master class growing Dahlias