January not only brings a new year, it is midwinter and that often provides beautiful scenes in the garden. A little frost and everything looks a lot nicer. But let's be honest: there is not much to do yet and the garden is still in a deep sleep. Time to enjoy the first early bloomers and the promise of spring to come. It really won't be long now!
Snowdrop or Galanthus nivalis
Hurray for the winter bloomers that appear here and there in January and make us swoon with their often subtle, but very welcome flowers. Angelo: "The snowdrop has fascinated me since I was a little boy. I imagined flowers for gnomes, because they grow and bloom low to the ground." Galanthus feels best under a tree or shrub, where the weak winter sun can reach, but where there is protection when it gets warmer. There are two ways to plant in the garden. You plant organic bulbs in late summer or early autumn, or you put plants in the ground from January to March. The latter method often has a better chance of success because the small bulbs dry out quickly and disappear into the ground. You can also knock on the door of friends or family - perhaps even the neighbours - to ask for a few plants. They split very easily when you dig them out of the ground. By the way, did you know that snowdrops are poisonous ? Leaves, flowers and bulbs. By the way, just leave the foliage, the leaves, after flowering. It will die and disappear over time. This way the bulb can store enough energy each year to grow bigger and bloom profusely again the following year.

Garden chores for January
Done with the Christmas tree in January? Don't throw it away right away, but put it outside for a while and hang it full of goodies for birds.
Winter is the ideal time to add compost to your borders. A layer of 5 centimetres is often enough to make your soil more airy and nutritious. January is a great month to do this.
Give birds extra food to get through the coldest days. Also provide sufficient ice-free water during frosty days. It can still get quite cold in January and February.
Winter hardy annuals pre-sown in September and October? Check them regularly from January onwards and don't forget to water them.
Check the dahlia tubers that are in winter storage for rot and mold. Remove any affected ones.
Bare-root shrubs or trees can be planted throughout the winter, including January, as long as the soil is workable.
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In this video Angelo shows you step by step how to help birds in the garden during the winter months, because it can still get quite cold in January.
(pre)sowing in January
Even for a seasoned sower like Angelo, January is too early to start. If you really can't control the itch, sow Delphinium consolida or annual larkspur if you didn't do so in the fall. Delphinium is a cold germinator and therefore needs a cold injection to break the dormant cycle. Or get started indoors with sprouts or microgreens. Nasturtium, beetroot, peas and, among other things, cut and pluck lettuce provide the much-needed vitamins in January - and distraction from the dark and depressing winter days. We feel you.