Eetbare bloemen oogsten

Party on your plate: edible flowers in the picking garden

Cut flowers are mainly grown to create beautiful bouquets. The fantastic colors, special textures, and stunning combinations make for a lovely eye-catcher on any table. But did you know that many cut flowers are also edible? Keep your seed trays handy, because after reading this blog post, you'll definitely want to get started with edible flowers.

Why should you add edible flowers to your cutting garden?

There are several reasons why you should add edible flowers to your plate. Some flowers you might already be eating unconsciously: broccoli and cauliflower are simply undeveloped flower buds. We’d love to list the reasons below.

The eye wants something too. With their delicate leaves, they steal the show on any plate. You create a color accent and brighten up a simple dish.

You experience every meal with quite a few different senses. Extra aroma, special texture, or an unknown flavor adds an extra dimension to the meal or dish.

The more cut flowers you sow, the happier the bees, butterflies, and other insects will be in your garden. You're providing extra food supplies, and some plants even serve as host plants.

What edible flowers are there?

Marigold. This bright yellow flower, also known as Calendula, is well-known in the culinary world for its color accents. Most people are familiar with the bright yellow to bright orange varieties, but did you know there are also quite a few pastel shades? There's something for everyone. Calendula has no distinct flavor, which can be very handy if you just want a nice color accent on your plate. You only use the petals of the plant.

nasturtium. From this low-growing or climbing variety, everything is edible: the flower, the leaf, the seeds, and the roots. The flavor is very pronounced: many people compare the taste to that of radish. You can use the plant both raw and cooked in the kitchen.

Cornflower. This bright blue flower is something you've definitely seen growing along meadows during the summer months. Did you know that you can easily sow this plant yourself? Besides the well-known blue color, there are also varieties in white, light pink, and purple. The taste is slightly sweet and mild.

Tagetes or marigolds. These little plants are often used as protectors in the garden.They often keep unwanted insects at bay and attract bees and other pollinating insects. The leaves have a very neutral and mild flavor.

Violets. These small hardy little flowers are real stars in the garden. They bloom incredibly long, are very strong, and come in the most beautiful colors. The entire flower is edible, and due to their subtle flavor, you can use them in quite a few dishes.

Basil. Of course, basil is well-known by everyone and also very loved. Did you know that the flower is also edible? It has a very subtle anise flavor, perfect for brightening up mocktails.

Oost-Indische Kers
Bloemblaadjes van Calendula of goudsbloem

How do you use edible flowers?

It's best to pick the flowers as early as possible in the morning. This way, they are filled with water and at their strongest . It's best to store them in slightly damp kitchen paper in the fridge, so they stay fresh longer. If you're using the flowers in a salad or as a garnish, you can give them a quick 'shock' in ice water. This way they look fresh and fruity again before you use them

Petalsare the perfect addition to ice cubes. It creates a beautiful effect, instantly brightening up a simple glass of lemonade.

A salad instantly looks prettier and more specialwith a few edible flowers or leaves.

Violets are a perfect match for cakeand pastries . The delicate and fine petals make a beautiful addition to any slice of cake.

Did you know you can pickle the seeds of nasturtium, just like capers? A delicious addition to cheese and fish dishes.

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Learn more thanks to our videos

Did you know we also have a well-stocked YouTube channel? With over 450 videos, we have a large database of information. Be sure to check it out on YouTube and subscribe to stay updated on the latest videos.

In this video, Angelo teaches you how to best harvestand store seeds. If you have a tasty flower variety, you can perfectly harvest and store it for the next season.

A warned gardener is worth two

Before you enthusiastically start picking in different borders, always check first if it’s really the right kind . Some flowers are simply toxic and should not be eaten. Don’t take any risks: don’t eat flowers unless you are 100% sure they are edible. For example, create a separate area in the garden with only edible varieties, so you don’t have to doubt and can harvest the flowers with peace of mind. If you have pets roaming in the garden, be extra careful with this. You might want to make a fenced-off patch that the dog or cat definitely can’t access.