Roses are one of the best-smelling flowers we know. Combine the wonderful scent with a beautiful flower shape and fantastic colours and you have a winner for every garden. To ensure that the rose blooms beautifully and abundantly, it does need to be pruned. We are happy to help you on your way in this pruning guide. Do you have your pruning shears ready?
When is the best time to prune roses?
From mid-February it is the right time to prune roses . The temperatures are already a bit higher, the days are getting longer and spring is in sight. Don't be alarmed if a bud here and there starts to sprout, this is completely normal. The sap flow is slowly starting to get going, making the buds clearly visible. Do not prune roses when it is freezing, this can damage the rose.
Why is it best to prune roses now?
It keeps the plant healthy. A pruned plant is airy, has no diseased or damaged branches and dries up faster during wet periods. This way, fungi and bacteria don't stand a chance.
You get more flowers. Pruning makes you grow, they say. With roses that is absolutely true. You get more flowers and a stronger plant in return.
There is no wild growth. Compact roses bloom more beautifully and exuberantly.
You can give the roses a certain growth direction. A climbing rose can grow beautifully against a wall, rose arch or pergola.

The right tools
Well-maintained pruning tools ensure smooth pruning of the roses. Make sure the pruning shears are sharp and check whether they still cut smoothly. If the branches are crushed by blunt pruning shears instead of pruned, you run a greater risk of diseases. After all, the cutting surface is not neat, which gives unwanted bacteria and diseases free rein. The thicker the branch that needs to be pruned, the stronger or larger the pruning shears. If necessary, use a stronger branch shears or saw for sturdier pieces of wood. A pair of thick gloves will also protect your hands from any wounds. After all, roses can have very sharp thorns, with all the consequences that entails.