Lablab purpureus 'ruby moon'

Hyacinth bean

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    Lablab is a distinct climbing plant that produces purple flowers that when finished form bright purple pods. Prefers to grow in a warm spot in the sun or in the greenhouse.

    Sowing instructions
    This lablab bean is a dark germinator. You may cover the seeds with a layer of soil. Put them about 4 to 5 centimetres deep into the ground that way. Preferably pre-sow in pots, they need a lot of heat. Unable to pre-sow, sow directly in the garden from May.

    Germination type Dark germinator
    Sowing depth 4 - 5 centimeter
    Blooming period July, August, September, October
    Pre-sowing March, April, May
    Outdoor sowing May, June
    Plant height 300-400 cm, 600 cm
    Plant spacing 100 centimeter
    Location Sun
    Volume about 3 grams


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    Delivery period pre-order
    Your order will be shipped only from the indicated date of availability, even if you combine it with products already in stock.

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    Lablab purpureus &
    Lablab purpureus &

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