Having flowers in the (pick) garden is one thing, keeping them in a vase for a long time is often another story. But why is that? And is it as complicated as it seems? Not really, because anyone can keep a bouquet alive. As long as you apply the right tricks of course. In this article you will learn everything about keeping your bouquet fresh for longer, so that you can enjoy it for extra long.
Making a bouquet starts with a portion of common sense
There is one thing that is very important if you want to make a bouquet with flowers from your own garden. Common sense. Yes, because you need that if you want to give your flowers the best vase life. The idea is simple: picking flowers is fantastic, but as soon as you cut them - preferably with sharp scissors - your flowers are by definition already dying. They no longer receive any food or moisture from the mother plant and are then dependent on us. Not leaving your flowers lying around and providing them with water immediately is therefore very important if you want to have a bouquet on the table for an extra long time.
Keep your bouquet alive longer
Although you can never be sure of a long vase life during warm summer moments (flowers wilt faster in warm temperatures), there are still many tips to keep your bouquet alive longer. Because there is nothing as annoying as a freshly picked bouquet that gives up after a day. Regularly changing the water in which the flowers are placed is a well-known tip, but there are more tricks to enjoy longer.

1. Do not pick at the hottest time
Make sure you pick early in the morning or in the evening, not at the hottest time of the day. Your flowers will look too bad and will often be wilted before they are even in a vase. They will therefore not keep as long.
2. Cut with sharp (pruning) shears
By cutting your flowers with sharp pruning shears and not blunt shears, you ensure that the stem and therefore the water intake is not cut off. We want a sharp wound.
3. First absorb water, then arrange
When it is really hot I first leave the flower stems in a bucket of ice cold water for a few hours. That makes a world of difference. The flowers are then completely soaked with water, fresh and fruity and therefore retain their beauty longer in a bouquet.
4. No leaves in the water
When arranging flowers, it is important to prepare them first. That is, remove all leaves so that no leaves remain in the water. They will rot and cause bacteria in the water, which is again detrimental to the durability of your bouquet.
5. Don't put your flowers in a sunny window
It goes without saying, but is often forgotten: do not place your flowers on a sunny window. They will wilt much faster due to the sun and heat. Place the bouquet away from the window, or choose a spot on the north side.
6. Change the water regularly
By changing the water in the vase daily or every two days, you prevent the formation of algae and bacteria. This keeps your flowers fresh for longer. You can also add a drop of bleach or a spoonful of bicarbonate to the water to keep it clean. The flowers will not be affected by this. A spoonful of granulated sugar can provide the necessary nutrition, which makes your flowers last longer.
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In this video I show you what you need to take into account if you want to make a bouquet yourself.